#amreading Jenny Offill’s Department of Speculation.
Memories are microscopic. Tiny particles that swarm
together and apart.
Here are a few
swarming memories:
- I remember the sad doggish smell of my sweater on rainy days.
- Work seemed preferable to love. It provided a sturdier kind of happiness.
- The reason you need a home is to keep the people you like in and everyone else out. Forget the doorbell. None of the people I like turned up that way.
- Caring for babies is a task urgent and tedious. Providing those necessary services cuts the day up into little scraps.
- Be careful of what you ridicule. You may end up doing some of those ridiculous things yourself. There is nothing you can be sure you will never be.
- Avoid middle age. That’s when people who were merely eccentric for years become unmistakably mad.
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