the dark ages before laptops and printing, students created their own
“textbooks” by taking down everything the lecturer said. This required very
slow talking on the part of the lecturer and meant that he couldn’t cover much
material. The university therefore passed a law requiring lecturers to utter the words rapidly so that the mind of
the hearer can take them in but the hand cannot keep up with them. Lecturers
found in violation of this statute were deprived
of their licence to teach for a year. Students who opposed the statute by shouting, hissing, making noise, and
throwing stones were suspended for a year.
lecturers meant more business for the booksellers, who bought existing course
notes and hired scribes to copy them. (Copyright and copy machines were
still only a glint in the eyes of visionaries!)
the booksellers got a little greedy and put
obstacles in the way of students by buying too cheaply and selling too dearly
and thinking up other frauds.
university therefore passed a regulation requiring those who acted as
intermediaries between buyers and sellers to put the price of the book and the name of the seller somewhere where it
can be seen and to charge their commission to the buyer. They also passed
regulations against price-gouging for paper and parchment needed to make
students were too poor to buy textbooks. They rented copies for a term or a
year. Booksellers were responsible for the accuracy of the copied text and were required to verify that the scribe's work was a true
and correct copy. The University also required booksellers to swear an oath that they would not demand from students anything
beyond a just and moderate rent for their books.
are from L. Thorndike, University Records
and Life in the Middle Ages).
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