An red packet adorned with a golden crown.
German novelist Luise Mühlbach observes a wedding procession through the
streets of Cairo:
women accompanying the bride are dressed in
long black silk cloth covering their heads. It is ringed with a golden band
just above the nose, from which is suspended a veil that covers the lower half
of their face below the eyes.
The bride, or rather
an oblong packet adorned with a golden crown, walks under a red baldachin. This
packet which has no resemblance to a human figure (the arms are wrapped up as
well) moves ponderously. The only thing that is visible of her are two points
where the eyes are. The bride was certainly not an adult. The red packet was
rather small and delicate. It was only a preliminary wedding – we would call it
an engagement. Bride and bridegroom stand on either side of a curtain. The
parents receive the bridegroom’s proposal and agree to it. Then they ask about
the dowry. They argue about it back and forth, and then everything is put in
writing by the court officials present. The bridegroom signs, and the bride’s
father signs on her behalf.
Some years later, the actual wedding takes place. At this point the bridegroom sees her for the first time, after she is his forever. Well, not forever. Every man has the right to dismiss his wife if she does not please him and send her back home or marry her to one of his relatives.
Weddings are a frequent sight – of
course, when every man has the right to take four lawful wives. Of course poor men rarely make use of this right because it would be too expensive.
Mühlbach asks an Egyptian friend about this law. He shrugs.
Europeans look for all assets of the female sex in their one wife. They want
beauty, youth, wealth, goodness, intelligence – everything united in one wife.
We Arabs know that that is impossible and are reasonable enough to look in four
women what the European cannot possibly find in one.
be continued.
Reisebriefe aus Aegypten. My
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