Thursday, 25 September 2014


Franciso de Encinas' translation of the New Testament
When Francisco de Encinas came to Leuven in 1542, his friends were reluctant to receive him. He had studied in Wittenberg, the citadel of the devilish Luther, and smelled of sulphur. They were afraid of associating with him, and for good reason. There had been a raid on suspected Lutherans on the day of Enzinas’ arrival:

Twenty-eight citizens, who had no prior record whatsoever, had been arrested. An armed band stormed their houses at 10pm and rifled through everything in their homes in case they had suspect books. They pounded on the doors, and if the inhabitants were sleeping and did not immediately open up, they broke down the door and rushed right up to the beds of the sleepers. They seized them with unprecedented violence, and sometimes, depending on their command, arrested both husband and wife. The innocent children cried out as if they understood the miserable lot of their parents.

If the parents tried to comfort their children, they were beaten and gagged, so that the neighbours would not be alerted by their laments, realize the sad fate of their friends, and escape the danger threatening themselves.

The suspects were imprisoned and prevented from writing or reading anything or communicating with anyone.

And what crime did they commit? They  are guilty of heresy, they say.
If you dare to criticize even one of their superstitions or godless actions, they immediately cry out: You heretic!
(Source: Francisco Enzinas, Denkwürdigkeiten, German trans. H. Boehmer)


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